County Executive Pittman’s Comments on County’s 1,000th COVID-19 Death

Annapolis, MD (Feb. 16, 2021) Anne Arundel County Executive Steuart Pittman shared the following remarks at a vigil tonight marking the County’s 1,000th death from COVID-19:


“1000 of us.

1000 friends.

1000 neighbors.

1000 co-workers.

1000 of our family.

The first case was on March 11, 2020.

The first death was on March 27, 2020.

Last month we lost over 100.

We don’t read their names in the paper, as we do after a murder, or a fallen soldier overseas.

They die slowly, often away from their families, often in the presence of a nurse who holds their hand and sheds the first tear.

We are here today to honor them, remember them, and mourn their loss.

We are joined by some brave survivors, relatives who are left here, with an empty place inside of them. Thank you for your bravery. Thank you for sharing with us the one you loved.

We are also here to give thanks. To give thanks for the heroic efforts put forth to save lives in our county.

Our residents, our public servants, and absolutely our health care workers have refused to surrender to this virus. You have done extraordinary things, made extraordinary sacrifices to slow the spread. Your work has not been in vain.

Because of you, our rate of death was half the rate of some Maryland counties. It has been your actions, your sacrifices that saved those other 1000 lives. 

Please promise yourselves, and let’s promise each other, that we will never surrender to this virus. We will never accept its attacks on our people. 

Life is precious, and our humanity is defined by our dedication to protecting it. Whatever we have done in the past, or failed to do, let’s come together, mourn the loss of our neighbors, and work to protect those of us who remain.”