Anne Arundel County CASA, Inc.

Anne Arundel County Court Appointed Special Advocates, Inc. (AACCASA) serves children from birth to 21 who have been abused or neglected and are in foster care. The court appoints a trained CASA volunteer to make independent and informed recommendations that help the judge decide what’s best for the child. AACCASA was cultivated in the belief that every abused or neglected child in the foster care system deserves to have a dedicated advocate speaking up for their best interest in court and in our community to ensure their right to a safe, stable, permanent home. AACCASA has educated and empowered diverse community volunteers who ensure each child's needs remain a priority. AACCASA stands for a powerful truth: every child has the right to grow up in a safe and loving home and be nurtured and protected. There is no greater cause than championing their rights and well-being.

In 1977, a Seattle Superior Court Judge, David Soukup, was losing sleep trying to make the best decisions for abused and neglected children in his courtroom. There were many times when he felt that he did not have enough information about each child’s unique circumstances. Judge Soukup knew that his decisions would have a lifelong impact on these children. He devised an idea: what if he could train community volunteers to get to know these children and their circumstances? These volunteers, Court Appointed Special Advocates, could report back to him with what they had learned, and he would then be able to make a decision based on the best interests of the child. He put the word out that he was looking for volunteers, expecting five or ten people to hear the call. Fifty citizens responded. Thus, the CASA concept was born. Judge Soukup’s idea has blossomed into a nationwide program. Last year, more than 76,000 CASA volunteers served more than 251,000 abused and neglected children through almost 1,000 program offices. CASA volunteers have helped more than two million abused children since the first program was established.

In 1987, Maryland opened its first CASA program. Since that time, 15 CASA programs have been established serving 23 jurisdictions in the state. In 1993, a handful of local attorneys recognized the need for a CASA program in Anne Arundel County. With support from the local Bar Association, the Circuit Court, and the Department of Social Services, AACCASA was incorporated and began serving children in July 1997. Since their inception, over 699 exceptional CASA volunteers have worked diligently to improve the lives of over 922 children in need in our community. Dedicated volunteers contribute over 10,000 hours annually to help these children who cannot help themselves. Last year, 88 CASAs were assigned to 122 children, serving approximately 80% of the children in foster care in Anne Arundel County.

To learn more about the CASA role, visit AACCASA’s Volunteer webpage. If you're ready to apply, CLICK HERE.

If you suspect abuse or neglect, please visit the Report page of the Maryland Department of Human Services. General contact information for AACCASA is listed at the top of their website.