Fire Safety Speakers

Educational programs offered to best educate our citizens.

Educational Programs Offered

The Public Education office is a source of accurate and consistent fire safety and injury prevention information to the communities we serve. To reach these communities we develop, present, and review educational programs to best educate our citizens.

Older adults are twice as likely to suffer injuries or lose their lives in fires or falls than the population-at-large. To reach these at-risk citizens in our community we have developed several programs and successfully delivered them to senior centers, housing units and civic groups throughout the county.
Available Programs:

Smoke Alarm Outreach for Seniors
"All-Ways Fire Safe"
Fire Safety for Older Adults

Do you know a child who has interest in fire or fire setting? This program includes parent and child interviews, education and referrals for intervention as necessary. It is given in three sessions lasting one hour each. The program networks with the Department of Juvenile Services, the Board of Education, the County Fire Marshalls Office, the Department of Social Services and concerned parents.

Planning for emergencies is key to having an efficient evacuation of any building. This office can provide general guidelines to businesses, churches, nursing facilities and large residential buildings to plan safe and orderly evacuations. The Fire Department does not monitor or perform fire drills but can provide accurate and valuable information and literature. For large residential building the fire department recognizes the importance of a well prepared resident during an emergency. Presentations for residents are available upon request. 

The Fire Department can provide assistance to any citizen that can not afford to purchase a smoke alarm or needs help installing one. If you have questions about smoke alarms or need assistance call (410) 222-8303 for help. Smoke alarms can be provided for free and will be installed by Fire Department personnel. When available, State and Federal grants are used to provide visual smoke alarms for the hearing impaired.

This classroom presentation teaches citizens and employees to be aware of and familiar with fire extinguishers as part of a building’s fire safety system. The program includes hands-on training.                                  

Public Education Office