County Executive Pittman Signs Amended Executive Order #27

Clarifies that 10:00 closing time applies only to bars and restaurants that serve alcohol 

Annapolis, Md. (June 23, 2020) County Executive Steuart Pittman signed an amended Executive Order #27 this evening. The amended order clarifies that the 10:00 closing time for indoor dining and drinking applies only to bars and restaurants or similar establishments that serve alcohol. The new language is as follows:

3. Restaurants, bars, and other similar establishments in Anne Arundel County that sell food and alcoholic beverages, or alcoholic beverages only, for consumption on-premises in indoor dining facilities (“Restaurants”) shall cease all indoor service at 10:00 p.m. daily. 

Executive Order #27 (amended) is available on the county website.

The Anne Arundel County Department of Health maintains a reopening dashboard to track public health measures that influence policy decisions. Other resources and information are available on the county’s road to recovery webpage.