Anne Arundel County Public Schools’ Comprehensive Redistricting Process

The Severna Park and Broadneck clusters are now under review for redistricting by AACPS as part of Phase 2 for county wide redistricting. 

While this is not an action under review by the County Council, it is important that as many parents and residents are aware and can weigh in by the May 1 deadline.

Anne Arundel County Public Schools (AACPS)

Scenarios developed by consultant WXY for Phase 2 of Anne Arundel County Public Schools’ comprehensive redistricting process are now available online. Go to to view the scenarios and leave comments by May 1. #BelongGrowSucceed #AACPSFamily

AACPS Phase 2 Redistricting Study

What is the Redistricting Study?

The primary mission for this study is to balance facility utilizations among schools in the central and southern parts of the county, with a focus on resolving overcrowding. Alongside this goal, the study aims to reduce travel distances for students when possible and minimize disruptions to student assignments.

The study area includes Annapolis, Arundel, Broadneck, Crofton, Severna Park, South River, and Southern High School clusters. In the scenarios presented, certain schools in the Meade High School cluster may also be impacted.