This Standard Sediment and Erosion Control Plan is issued only when the following limitations, conditions and requirements are met.
- The lot where the work is to be performed is on a paved, graveled or publicly maintained street where storm drains are in operation and roadside ditches are stabilized.
- Not more than 5,000 square feet of ground shall be disturbed.
- Cuts and fills shall not exceed 10 feet in depth or heights and shall not exceed 100 cubic yards in volume.
- Slopes with a grade of 15% or greater shall not be disturbed and slopes steeper than 3: 1 may not be created.
- No earth disturbance shall occur within the following with the exception of shoreline stabilization projects and retaining wall replacements in kind:
- the limits of the 100 year floodplain of any stream;
- 100 feet of any perennial stream or water body;
- 100 feet landward of Mean High Water Line of any water body affected by tidal action;
- 100 feet from any tidal wetland or bog; or
- 25 feet of any non-tidal wetland except for an approved Buffer Management Plan approved by the County Forester for clearing less than 5,000 square feet of vegetation.
- The owner, builder or developer is not the same owner, builder or developer of any contiguous lots undergoing development.
- The proposed construction is not a single family dwelling.
- Any proposed grading will not impair existing surface drainage, constitute a potential erosion hazard or act as a source of sedimentation to adjacent land or watercourse or impact an erosion and sediment control plan previously approved by the Anne Arundel Soil Conservation District.
- The site conditions must be such that it is possible to satisfy the required erosion and sediment control requirements by the use of reinforced silt fence, a stabilized construction entrance and vegetative stabilization.
- The applicant has submitted a site plan adequately showing the property lines, site conditions, and the proposed work which is attached hereto and made part thereof.
- For work in the Critical Area, the applicant has submitted a Critical Area Worksheet detailing existing, and proposed lot coverage and impervious cover.
- The proposed work does not require a State Waterway or Wetland Permit except where the project is a shoreline stabilization project.
- Nothing herein relieves the applicant from complying with any and all federal, state and county regulatory requirements.
- This standard plan is valid for two years from the approval date and may not be renewed or extended.
- The failure to install and properly maintain the required sediment controls shall be considered a violation and shall be enforced in accordance with the Anne Arundel County grading ordinance.
- The Anne Arundel County Department of Inspections and Permits shall have access to the property for inspections purposes.
- A Right of Way Permit is obtained from the Anne Arundel County Department of Public Works for all work in or abutting the county right of way if not approved under an issued building.
- The approval of a standard plan may be revoked if the work is found to exceed the limits of the original application.
- Reinforced Silt Fence must be installed around the perimeter of the disturbed area and a stabilized construction entrance shall be installed prior to any earth disturbance.
- All erosion and sediment controls must be installed and maintained in accordance with the most recent edition of the Maryland Standards and Specification for Soil Erosion and Sediment Control.
- All erosion and sediment controls must be continuously maintained and those controls found to be damaged must be repaired or replaced within 24 hours.
- Any pumping of water must be filtered and performed in accordance with the most recent edition of the Maryland Standards and Specification for Soil Erosion and Sediment
Control. - Site disturbances that result in impaired drainage, create an erosion hazard or create a
source of off-site sediment shall be considered a violation and shall be enforced in
accordance with the Anne Arundel County Code. - Upon the completion of work, the site must be immediately stabilized and a stand of
grass shall have a 95% groundcover of acceptable vegetation to be considered properly stabilized. - Building construction may not proceed past the ground floor until all remaining disturbed areas have been permanently or temporarily stabilized. During building construction
beyond the ground, all disturbed areas must be stabilized at the end of each business day.