Colleen Rowe Gym

(Photo courtesy of Jeffrey F. Bill/Capital Gazette)

What a great article on Mrs. Colleen Rowe, who taught so many of my friends who attended Broadneck Elementary (I was an Arnold Elementary kid), and so many of their children.

Thank you for dedicating 35 years to the young students in District 5! I cannot think of a better way to recognize you, than dedicating your home away from home, in your name.

Here's portion of the Capital News Article:

For 35 years, Colleen Rowe has helped students fall in love with movement teaching gym at Broadneck Elementary School.

She exposed students to typical and nontraditional activities, including circus arts like juggling. She set high standards in her class and watched as students amazed themselves by hitting the mark. The reward, Rowe said, was seeing the look on their faces.

Check out the entire story: