County Executive Pittman, Office of Planning and Zoning Release Region Plan Strategy Questionnaires

Deadline to complete questionnaires on plans for Regions two, four, and seven is April 3

Annapolis, MD (March 7, 2023) County Executive Pittman and the Office of Planning and Zoning (OPZ) are seeking public feedback through a questionnaire on draft strategies for Regions 2, 4, and 7 plans. The deadline to complete questionnaires is April 3, 2023.

“We need to get back to the community-based planning that we used to do in this county, and the questionnaires are an important step in the region planning process,” said County Executive Pittman. “My hope is that everyone will take advantage of this opportunity and others we will have in the future to really have a say in the future of their communities.”

OPZ worked with Stakeholder Advisory Committees (SACs) to prepare community development plans in West County (referred to as Region 2), Annapolis Neck (Region 7), and the Lakeshore-Pasadena-Broadneck Peninsula area (Region 4). Questionnaires allow the public to review and comment on draft strategies that address key planning areas identified by the committees and the public - transportation, affordable housing, environmental conservation, land use, and healthy economy.

OPZ Director Jenny Jarkowski said the Office of Planning and Zoning is “actively seeking input from anyone who lives, works, shops, or plays in the three regions” and added that “OPZ relies on this input to help shape these plans.”

The Region Plans build on Plan2040 - Anne Arundel County’s General Development Plan goals and policies for the county to grow smarter, greener, and more equitable, providing community-specific strategies that will inform the county’s future investments in capital improvement projects, review of private development plans, and zoning change requests. Strategies focus on planned land use, zoning, environmental protection, transportation improvements, public facilities, and community design. Plans for regions two, four, and seven are the first of nine Region Plans the county will prepare following the adoption of Plan2040.

After the public review period closes, comments will be evaluated by OPZ and the Stakeholder Committees for inclusion in a full draft of the Region Plan document that will be available for review and public comment in July, followed by review by the County’s Planning Advisory Board and the County Council.

The draft vision statements and draft recommended strategies are available for public review until April 3 on the Region 2 hub, Region 4 hub and Region 7 hub or by visiting and clicking on the respective region plan hub.

The public can access the Region Plan Hubs by visiting To fill out the questionnaires, scroll down and click on the region-specific hub page. In the yellow section, click on the hyperlinked bulleted list of topic areas to complete the questionnaires.