County Executive Pittman Issues Statement on Stakeholder Advisory Committee Appointments

Annapolis, MD (Nov. 4, 2021) - Anne Arundel County Executive Steuart Pittman issued the following statement regarding the appointment of the Stakeholder Advisory Committees:

“I want to thank the County Council for approving our nominations to the Stakeholder Advisory Committees that will oversee development of our first three Region Plans.

Unlike the Small Area Plans from twenty years ago, these will drive the comprehensive rezoning in each community. In other words, we have truly empowered communities to plan their futures.

Thanks to our screening committee for reviewing the 130 applicants that applied for these 45 seats. The result was diversity by community, experience, age, race, and relationship to the community they will serve. For those not selected, please join your neighbors in monitoring the process and engaging at every step along the way.

Now let's get to work.”