Department of Public Works To Accelerate Forcemain Project Following Sanitary Sewer Overflow in Glen Burnie

Annapolis, Maryland (December 18, 2020) An overnight six inch force main break near the 600 block of Opel Road in Glen Burnie caused a sanitary sewer overflow of 112,416 gallons.  Department of Public Works officials report that 109,916 gallons reached a swale that leads to Sloop Cove.  The cause of the break has been determined to be external corrosion.

A capital project to replace 3,500 feet of this force main was already planned and in the design phase due to a recent history of issues along Opel Road.  DPW officials will now accelerate work to address two problem areas in the 600 block of Opel Road as soon as possible and also accelerate the overall project.  

The County Health Department and Maryland Department of Environment have been notified.  Signs have been posted alerting the community and the area has been cleaned and limed.  Anyone coming in contact with the affected ground is advised to immediately wash well with soap and warm water.  Clothing should also be washed.