Caregiver Educational Workshops

Pre-registration is required for workshops. Register online below or by calling (410) 222-4375 or (410) 222-4339.

Jennifer Sapp MSG,, MSW, LCSW-C

Making the decision to move into an assisted living facility is fraught with emotion for the individual as well as for you, the caregiver. Second guessing the decision and guilt are very normal feelings. This workshop will help you know if – and when – the time is right for this move and how to make the transition a bit easier for
both of you.

Date: June 5, 2024
Time: 6:30 pm
Location: Pascal Senior Activity Center 125 Dorsey Road, Glen Burnie


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Workshop Registration

Please select the workshop(s) you plan to attend
June 5, 2024, 6:30 pm, Pascal Senior Center

Attendee Information

Demographic Information

Funding for this program is provided through the Administration for Community Living (ACL), a federal government program. ACL requires that we report the following demographic information; individual names are not reported. While providing this information is not required to register for the workshops, we would appreciate it if you would help us compile this information so that the National Family Caregiver Support Program can continue to receive funding to provide caregiver support services.
What is your relationship to the care recipient?
Economic status

The poverty level is $12,880 annually (1 household member) or $17,420 annually (2 household members)

Mary Chaput, MA, CDP; Director Family Caregiver Support Programs