As the elected legislative body of the County, the Council has the exclusive power to enact, repeal, and amend all public local laws. Legislation must take the form of ordinances, which are advertised and come before the Council and the public at their bi-monthly legislative sessions. The Council also entertains resolutions for many administrative issues.
The Council is the final fiscal authority of the County, sitting in May in review of the proposed County Budget and adopting the final Budget.
Additionally, the Council sits as The Board of Health twice a year.
Each Councilmember has a Legislative Assistant who works with the Councilman to assist their constituents with a wide variety of problems and issues.
Administrative Officer - Kaley Schultze
Assistant Administrative Officer - Marcia Alvarado
Legislative Counsel - Meredith Beach
Lee Longo, Legislative Management Assistant II
Anna Macaulay, Legislative Management Assistant I
Annapolis Office - Arundel Center
44 Calvert Street
Annapolis, MD 21401
(410) 222-1401
Glen Burnie Office - Arundel Center North
101 N. Crain Highway
Glen Burnie, MD 21061
(410) 222-6890
The Main Office is staffed 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m., Mondays through Fridays, except Holidays. Please call 410-222-1401 with any questions.
Mailing Address:
The Honorable ______________ Councilmember, District ______ Anne Arundel County Council P.O. Box 2700 Annapolis, Maryland 21404
Email Addresses:
District 1 - Peter Smith
District 2 - Allison M. Pickard
District 3 - Nathan Volke
District 4 - Julie Hummer
District 5 - Amanda Fiedler
District 6 - Lisa D.B. Rodvien
District 7 - Shannon Leadbetter
PLEASE NOTE: You should copy the Administrative Officer Kaley Schultze to the County Council ( on any full Council communications or communications intended for the entire Council.
The Anne Arundel County Council legislative sessions are held at the Arundel Center - the County government's administrative headquarters building - at the county seat: Annapolis. Legislative sessions are held on the first and third Mondays of each month, except August, November of a councilmanic election year, and if a scheduled Monday meeting falls on a holiday (in which case the meeting is normally re-scheduled for the next working day). The Council may schedule a legislative session in August if necessary. All meetings are open to the public.
When: First and third Mondays at 7:00 p.m. During the month of May, each day is a legislative session. The chair may decide that additional public hearings on complex legislative matters may be held at other times and in other appropriate locations in the County.
Where: Arundel Center, 44 Calvert Street, Annapolis Maryland - County Council Chambers, 1st Floor
The public is encouraged and invited to attend all legislative sessions, public hearings, and other meetings held by the County Council. Public hearings are held on specific matters and testimony must be relevant to the matter. An invitation to the audience is provided at the start of legislative sessions to allow members of the public an opportunity to speak on general County matters. Remarks or testimony will be limited to two minutes.
Anyone wishing to submit testimony on a topic or speak at a public hearing or during an "invitation to the audience" should sign up using the appropriate online form. Electronic forms for submitting testimony or signing up to speak are available at A final call for testimony will usually be given at a meeting and before a public hearing is concluded.
Opportunities to testify at a meeting or during public hearings are intended to allow spoken testimony. (Accommodations for disabilities are available and must be set up ahead of time. See the section on 'special accommodations' below.) Printed materials or other papers may be submitted to the County Council using one of the testimony tools.
Meeting agendas are always posted prior to a meeting on the County Council homepage. Printed copies of agendas and legislation are also provided just outside the Chambers on the evening of the meeting.
The Rules of Procedure of the County Council were duly adopted by the Anne Arundel County Council pursuant to the Anne Arundel County Charter and are published in Appendix A of the Anne Arundel County Code.
Section 3-105 (a) of the Rules of Procedure provides as follows: Reasonable seating facilities shall be provided for the public at each legislative session or meeting of the County Council, and the public is encouraged and invited to attend.
At each legislative session and public hearing a reasonable amount of time shall be provided for members of the public to address the county council on pertinent matters of public business not otherwise provided for.
The public shall maintain order and decorum in keeping with the dignity of the governmental process, and shall refrain from interfering with the process. Under Rule Section 3-105 (c), a speaker shall be limited to the amount of time specified by the Chair.
Section 4-106 provides that the presiding officer of the County Council shall preserve order and decorum during each meeting or session of the County Council and provides further that in the case of a disturbance or disorderly conduct in the County Council chambers the presiding officer may order any such place to be cleared.
Visual demonstrations such as signs, placards, balloons, banner, etc. are prohibited in the Council Chambers
All meetings of the County Council can be watched on Anne Arundel Community Television or on Arundel TV Live. More information on internet and television access can be found at
Cable Television Providers Channels:
- Comcast 98
- Broadstripe 98
- HD Comcast 998
- HD Verizon 2138
- HD Broadstripe 498
Council Work Sessions, when scheduled, are normally held on the second Tuesday of the month. Work Sessions are scheduled on an as needed basis at the Arundel Center, 44 Calvert Street, Annapolis, Maryland in the Council Chambers, beginning at 9:00 a.m. The public is invited to observe, but no public testimony will be received. Please refer to the County Council Meeting Schedule to see if a work session has been scheduled for a particular month.
If you have a disability and require a reasonable accommodation to fully participate in a Council meeting, please contact the Administrative Officer at least 72 hours before the meeting to discuss your accessibility needs. The Administrative Officer may be reached by email at or by telephone at (410) 222-1401. TTY users, please use Maryland Relay, 7-1-1.