County Executive Orders

County Executive Steuart Pittman


Executive Order 1  (Amended and Restated)

To Delegate Legal Authority to Sign Deeds, Contracts, and Other Legal Documents

Executive Order 2

To Rescind Executive Order Number 6 and Allocate Supervisory Authority Over All Departments and Offices to the CAO

Executive Order 3

To Temporarily Delegate Legal Authority to Sign Certain Agreements and Easements to the Deputy Planning and Zoning Officer

Executive Order 4

Use of Tobacco Products Near County Buildings Policy and Order 

Executive Order 5

To Rescind Executive Orders No. 13, 16 and 21, Issued by Former County Executive Steve Schuh

Executive Order 6

To Delegate Legal Authority to Sign Monthly Discharge Monitoring Reports, Applications Associated with Construction for County Capital Projects and Stormwater Remediation Fee Credit Agreements

Executive Order 7

To Create the Anne Arundel County 2020 Complete Count Committee

Executive Order 8

To Create the Anne Arundel County Citizens Environmental Commission

Executive Order 9

To Create the Anne Arundel County Gun Violence Prevention Task Force

Executive Order 10

To Delegate Legal Authority to Sign Limited Home Addition Agreements and Holding Tank Agreements

Executive Order 11

To Rescind Executive Order No. 14 Issued by Former County Executive Steven R. Schuh. 

Executive Order 12

To Rescind Executive Order No. 22 issued by Former County Executive Steven R. Schuh and Create the Anne Arundel County Transportation Commission ("AACTC")

Executive Order 13

To Rescind Executive Order No. 25 Issued by Former County Executive Steven R. Schuh.

Executive Order 14

To Rescind Executive Order No. 19 Issued by Former County Executive Steven R. Schuh.

Executive Order 15

To Create the Anne Arundel County Commission on Immigrant Affairs.

Executive Order 16 (Terminated)

Proclamation of Civil Emergency (As of June 9, 2021, terminated by Executive Order No. 49)

Executive Order 17 (Terminated)

Suspension of Legal Time Requirements (Amended and Restated)

Executive Order 18 (Terminated)

Closing Public and Private Community Playgrounds

Executive Order 19 (Terminated)

Community Meetings, Development Applications and Boards and Commissions 

Executive Order 20

To Adopt the Anne Arundel County, Maryland 2018 Hazard Mitigation Plan Update

Executive Order 21 (Terminated)

Reopening of Certain Businesses

Executive Order 22 (Terminated)

Reopening Additional Businesses and Facilities

Executive Order 23 (Terminated)

Reopening Houses of Worship 

Executive Order 24 (Terminated)

Reopening of Non-essential Businesses

Executive Order 25 (Terminated)

Terminating Certain Executive Orders and Imposing Certain Restrictions 
(Executive Order Nos. 17, 18, 19, 21, 22, 23, and 24 are terminated.)

(As Amended and Restated by Executive Order No. 45.)

Executive Order 26

Length of Service Award Program for Administrative Active Members

Executive Order 27 (Terminated)

Imposing Restrictions on Certain Indoor Uses

(As Amended and Restated by Executive Order No. 45.)

Executive Order 28 (Rescinded)

To Create the Anne Arundel County Youth Advisory Council and the Anne Arundel County Youth Corps (As of January 31, 2023, rescinded by Executive Order No. 59)

Executive Order 29 (Terminated)

Imposing Local Restrictions on Certain Uses

(As Amended and Restated by Executive Order No. 45.)

Executive Order 30 (Terminated)

Prohibiting Termination of Certain Residential Utility Services (As of June 9, 2021, terminated by Executive Order No. 49)

Executive Order 31

Increasing the Amount of Annual Leave Carryover for Pay Period Calendar Year 2020 for County Employees

Executive Order 32 (Terminated)

Imposing Local Restrictions on Certain Uses

(As Amended and Restated by Executive Order No. 45.)

Executive Order 33 (Terminated)

Easing Local Restrictions on Mall Food Courts and Indoor Dining Facilities

(As of October 2, 2020, Paragraph Nos. 3 and 5 of Amended and Restated Executive Order No. 27 and Paragraph No. 4 of Executive Order No. 32 are Terminated)

(As Amended and Restated by Executive Order No. 45.)

Executive Order 34

To delegate legal authority to sign software licensing agreements

Executive Order 35 (Terminated)

Extending Authorization for Outdoor Seating for Dining Facilities

(As Amended and Restated by Executive Order No. 45.)

Executive Order 36

To create the Anne Arundel County Inter-Faith Advisory Council (As amended on January 19, 2021.)

Executive Order 37 (Terminated)

Restricting Social Gatherings, Indoor Dining and Suspending Play on County Recreational Facilities

(As of November 13, 2020, Paragraph No. 6 of Executive Order No. 32 is Terminated; and as of November 20, 2020, Paragraph No. 3 of Executive Order No. 33 is Terminated)

(As Amended and Restated by Executive Order No. 45.)

Executive Order 38 (Terminated)

Restating and Clarifying Certain Restrictions and Proving Capacity Limits for Fellowship Recovery Meetings

(As of November 20, 2020, Amends and Restates Executive Order Nos. 25, 27, 29, 32, 33, 35, and 37.)

(As Amended and Restated by Executive Order No. 45.)

Executive Order 39 (Terminated)

Restating and Clarifying Certain Restrictions and Imposing Additional Restrictions

(As of December 16, 2020, Amends and Restates Executive Order Nos. 25, 27, 29, 32, 33, 35, 37, and 38.)

(As Amended and Restated by Executive Order No. 45.)

Executive Order 40 (Terminated)

Restating and Clarifying Certain Restrictions, Imposing Additional Restrictions and Restricting Fees Charged by Third-Party Food Delivery Services

(As of December 16, 2020, Amends and Restates Executive Order Nos. 25, 27, 29, 32, 33, 35, 37, 38 and 39.)

(As Amended and Restated by Executive Order No. 45.)

Executive Order 41 (Terminated)

Restating, Revising and Clarifying Certain Restrictions

(As of January 13, 2021, Amends and Restates Executive Order Nos. 25, 27, 29, 32, 33, 35, 37, 38, 39 and 40.)

(As Amended and Restated by Executive Order No. 45.)

Executive Order 42 (Terminated)

Restating, Revising and Clarifying Certain Restrictions

(As of January 27, 2021, Amends and Restates Executive Order Nos. 25, 27, 29, 32, 33, 35, 37, 38, 39, 40 and 41.)

(As of February 5, 2021, as Amended and Restated)

(As Amended and Restated by Executive Order No. 45.)

Executive Order 43 (Terminated)

Restating, Revising and Clarifying Certain Restrictions

(As of February 25, 2021, Amends and Restates Executive Order Nos. 25, 27, 29, 32, 33, 35, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41 and 42.)

Executive Order 44

Postponing Tax Sale for Certain Fiscal Year 2021 Taxes and Charges

Executive Order 45 (Terminated)

Revising and Restating Certain Restrictions

(As of March 12, 2021, Amends and Restates Executive Order Nos. 25, 27, 29, 32, 33, 35, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42 and 43.)

Executive Order 46 (Terminated)

Terminating Prior Executive Orders and Eliminating Restrictions Related to COVID-19 (As of April 27, 2021, Executive Order Nos. 25, 27, 29, 32, 33, 35, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, Amended and Restated Executive Order No. 42, and Executive Order Nos. 43 and 45 are Terminated.) (As of June 9, 2021, terminated by Executive Order No. 49)

Executive Order 47 (Second Amended and Restated)

To create the Anne Arundel County Joint Commission on the Opportunity Gap

Executive Order 48

Celebrating and Commemorating Juneteeth (June 19, 2021)

Executive Order 49

Terminating the Proclamation of Civil Emergency 
(For Guidance on Outdoor Seating for Restaurants, see 

Bill No. 55-21

Executive Order 50

A commitment to equity, diversity and inclusion

Executive Order 51

Proclamation of Civil Emergency

Executive Order 52

To delegate legal authority to sign nondisclosure agreements associated with a Service Organization Control II Certificate

Executive Order 53 (Second Amended and Restated)

To Create the Laurel Race Course Impact Fund Advisory Committee.

Executive Order 54

To rename, redefine, and restructure the Anne Arundel County Agriculture Commission

Executive Order 55

Proclamation of Civil Emergency

Executive Order 56

To require face coverings in certain areas of the County

Executive Order 57

A Commitment to Obtain Renewable Energy and Reduce Greenhouse Gas Emissions from County Operations by 2030

Executive Order 58

To Adopt the Vision Zero Plan - a Strategy to Prevent Death and Serious Injury Caused by Crashes on Our Roadways

Executive Order 59

To Rescind Executive Order No. 28

Executive Order 60 (Amended and Restated)

To establish the Anne Arundel County Food Council

Executive Order 61 

To Create the Crownsville Advisory Committee for Crownsville Hospital Memorial Park

Executive Order 62 

To Delegate Legal Authority to Sign Documents Related to the Settlement and Resolution of Claims and Lawsuits

Executive Order 63 

To Create the Early Childhood Childcare Taskforce

Executive Order 64

To Create the Anne Arundel County Commission for Women

Executive Order 65

To Establish the CBE Council

Executive Order 66

Use of Portable Zero-Emission Leaf Blowers by County Personnel

County Executive Steve Schuh


Executive Order 1 (Rescinded)

 To Delegate Legal Authority to Sign Deeds, Contracts, and Other Legal Instruments

Executive Order 2

To Recognize Heroin Use in Anne Arundel County as a Public Health Emergency

Executive Order 3

To Create the Anne Arundel Criminal Justice Coordinating Council

Executive Order 4

To Delegate Legal Authority to Sign Monthly Discharge Monitoring Reports, Applications Associated with Construction for County Capital Projects and Stormwater Remediation Fee Credit Agreements

Executive Order 5

To Create the Anne Arundel County Bicycle Advisory Commission

Executive Order 6 (Rescinded)

To Allocate Supervisory Authority Over the Heads of the Offices and Departments within the Executive Branch of County Government Between the Chief Administrative Officer and the Chief of Staff

Executive Order 7

To Create the Role of ADA Liaisons in County Government

Executive Order 8

To Direct the Reform of Certain Land Use Functions

Executive Order 9

To Create the Anne Arundel County Commission on Disability Issues

Executive Order 10 (Rescinded)

To Create the Laurel Race Course Impact Fund Advisory Committee

Executive Order 11

To Restrict the Outside Practice of Law by Attorneys in the Office of Law

Executive Order 12

To Establish a Standard for Emergency Management

Executive Order 13 (Rescinded)

To Authorize Referrals to the Environmental Crimes Unit

Executive Order 14 (Rescinded)

To Require Vendors to Comply with Law on Employment of Illegal Aliens

Executive Order 15

To Create the Anne Arundel County Animal Welfare Council

Executive Order 16 (Rescinded)

Alcohol and Drug Abuse Control Policy and Order

Executive Order 17 (Rescinded)

To Create the Anne Arundel County Commission for Women

Executive Order 18

To Create the Anne Arundel County Clergy Advisory Council

Executive Order 19 (Rescinded)

To Create the Anne Arundel County Water Access Commission

Executive Order 20 (Rescinded)

To Create the Anne Arundel County Early Childhood Commission.

Executive Order 21 (Rescinded)

To Create the Anne Arundel County Commission on Government Innovation and Effectiveness

Executive Order 22 (Rescinded)

To Create the Anne Arundel County Transportation Commission ("AACTC")

Executive Order 23

To Condemn Racism in Anne Arundel County

Executive Order 24 (Rescinded)

To Create the Anne Arundel County Agriculture, Farming and Agritourism Commission

Executive Order 25 (Rescinded)

To Create the Anne Arundel County Human Relations Commission ('AACHRC")