
The Research staff maintains, interprets, and provides demographic, geographic, and economic information that provides a better understanding how Anne Arundel County and its communities grow and change.

Staff work with State and local agencies to develop regional forecasts used in planning efforts, achieve local address update and statistical areas delineation programs to ensure an accurate census enumeration.

Research Reports

Severna Park High School
Development Activity Impact on School Facilities
  • On December 8, 2003 Bill No. 43-03 regarding Subdivisions - Adequacy of Public Facilities for Schools - went into effect and set the standards and process for evaluating new development in Anne Arundel County in determining the adequacy of public school capacity. As part of the Bill and as a requirement of Article 17-5-504 of the Anne Arundel County Code, the Office of Planning and Zoning is to annually prepare a report on development activity that impacts public school facilities.
  • On December 21, 2007, Bill No. 90-07 amended Bill No. 43-03, requiring the Planning and Zoning Officer to develop the School Utilization Chart and eliminating the requirement that the Chart be approved by the Board of Education. 
  • On May 21, 2018, Bill No. 15-18 was adopted, requiring the school utilization chart process be updated to include data regarding open seats based on the proposed reductions in available school capacity due to new proposed developments.
Building Framing
Annual Development Measures and Indicators Report

The annual report is required under the Land Use Article (§ 1-207 and § 1-208) of the Annotated Code of Maryland. The statute requires local planning commissions to prepare an annual report that addresses growth and development by reporting comprehensive plan and zoning changes, growth-related infrastructure improvements, and development in various stages of completion. Section 1-207(b) of the Maryland Land use Article requires that each county or municipal Planning Commission/Board approve an Annual Report for the calendar year. In addition, the Annual Report must be filed with the local legislative body (Anne Arundel County Council) and the Maryland Department of Planning no later than July 1 each year.

Annapolis Town Center at Parole
Biennial Apartment Study

Apartment Studies are prepared biennially by the Anne Arundel County Office of Planning and Zoning.


The Addressing and Street Naming Program is responsible for address assignment and verification of street name assignment during the development review process, update addresses, and issuing address confirmation letters. The assignment of street names and numbers is the responsibility of the Office of Planning and Zoning and is implemented by the Research and GIS Section (Article 17, Title 6-107 of the Anne Arundel County Code). There are circumstances where it is necessary to change existing street numbers and/or names for public safety purposes.

 If you are requesting an address or an address confirmation letter, please contact the Addressing and Street Naming Program via email at or call: 410-222-7461. New and verified addresses will be provided to the following agencies: 

  • Anne Arundel County Office of Information Technology, Police and Fire Departments for E911 maintenance
  • Maryland State Tax Assessment Office (premise address only)
  • Local United State Postmaster

In an effort to streamline the process for assigning street names and addresses, we request that you follow the following procedure. All final assignments will be handled at the Final Development Plan stage of the subdivision review process. The following information is required at the time of submittal:

  • Approved or Proposed subdivision name
  • Tax map 
  • Lot, block, and parcel information
  • ADC location
  • List of proposed street names (indicate if streets have been reserved)
  • A drawing of entire project layout with street network on a single page
  • Contact information

Please contact the Addressing and Street Naming Program via email at or call: 410-222-7461 for additional information.

The Census Quickfacts from the Census Bureau allows users to obtain the latest American Community Survey (ACS) data for Anne Arundel County, Maryland and other areas of the U.S. Users need to be careful about drawing conclusions about differences between estimates; check the margin of errors (MOE) associated with estimates to determine if they are statistically different. The Census Reporter is another way to quickly view ACS data for the County.

Staff maintains databases for monitoring development activity and building permit activities. This information is used in developing cooperative forecasts, annual population and housing estimates, and analysis of development impacts on schools and transportation to support the County’s current and long range planning.   

Development Activity Viewer   

Development Activity Maps