Recycling Containers & Backyard Composting Kits

The Bureau of Waste Management Services provides recycling containers and compost bins for residents to utilize. Please note that you do not need a yellow recycling container to recycle in Anne Arundel County; you can use any container that works best for you, just be sure to mark it with an "X" on all sides and please make sure the loaded container does not weigh more than 40 pounds.

Recycling Carts

Anne Arundel County provides recycling carts for use by its residential curbside customers. Distribution of wheeled recycling carts is limited to one per household. Cart deliveries and repairs (broken lid or wheels) can be requested online (see below) or by phone (410) 222-6100.


Recycling Carts Various Sizes Available



How to request?

You can request recycling containers from your mobile device.

Get the Mobile App for iOS or Android devices: 

Apple App Store
Google Play

County residents can request by calling (410) 222-6100 

Backyard Composting Kits

Backyard Composting Kits are available for pickup-only by residential curbside customers at the Central Recycling Center, Southern Recycling Center, and the Recycling and Waste Reduction Division office (restricted access-must call ahead); delivery is not available.