Mayo Beach Park - Projects

See below for details of planning, design, and construction projects at Mayo Beach Park. 

Project Description

Shoreline stabilization

Project Consultants

BayLand Consultants & Designers, Inc.

Project Status


Project Updates


Mayo Beach Shoreline Project

Project Description

The scope of work includes assessing the condition of various park structures, systems, and site amenities to improve functionality, safety aesthetics, accessibility, reliability, wayfinding, rental potential, and desirability.

Project Consultants

Wheeler Goodman Masek & Associates

Project Status


Project Updates

Project Description

In kind replacement of c.1939 building used for both day camp programs and Park maintenance and storage with a modern, more-efficient building of the same size or less

Project Consultants

Wheeler Goodman Masek & Associates

Project Status

In Design

Project Updates

For schedule information see Department of Public Works website.

2023-04-13 - Public Meeting to present the 30% Schematic Design and receive input from the community. Information from that meeting is linked below. 

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