Victim-Witness Advocates
The Office of the State’s Attorney employs a team of advocates who provide victims and witnesses of crime with emotional support, information regarding the criminal justice system, and assistance in accessing important resources.
As each case enters our office, it is assigned both a prosecutor as well as an advocate. These advocates support victim and witnesses by serving as liaisons between them and the prosecution. Advocates will assist victims and witnesses in understanding criminal proceedings, providing critical information such as court dates and locations, and attending court with them.
In addition to these services, advocates will also help victims and witnesses feel safe and secure by providing crisis counseling, assessing threats, and taking appropriate action. Those who require additional resources can work with their advocates to access any further care needed to overcome the trauma of victimization.

Witness Instructions
Please call our recorder at (410) 222-1160 anytime after 4:45 pm the evening before trial. The recorded message, referring to the case by the defendant’s last name, will confirm the status of your case. Sometimes cases are postponed or do not require witness testimony after all. Calling could save you an unnecessary trip to court.
Criminal cases are set for morning and afternoon sessions, each session lasting approximately 3 hours. Your case can be called at any time during that period. Please arrive on time and be prepared to wait.
Please make every effort to arrange for childcare, as we are unable to provide this service. It is difficult for children to remain quiet in the courtroom for up to three hours; therefore, if you need to bring a child (who is not the victim or witness), please bring someone who can watch your child outside the courtroom.
The testimony of victims and witnesses is crucial to the successful prosecution of a case. If you have received a summons and you fail to appear, a “show-cause” order or a bench warrant may be issued for you.
Unfortunately, cases are often postponed, and we may not know about that until the day of trial. If the Clerk’s Office knows in advance, they will attempt to notify you. If your case is postponed, please keep this and other information we have sent you for future reference. You will learn of a new trial date by way of a summons. (Please call (410) 222-1160 after 4:45 the day before trial to get the most current status as of that time.)
If you are seeking restitution, you must supply documentation to support our restitution request to the State’s Attorney’s Office prior to the trial date. Documentation may be in the form of medical bills, estimate or receipts for repairs/replacement, deductibles, co-pays, etc. Failure to provide documentation in advance of trial may result in the Court declining to order restitution on your behalf. If you wish to discuss a matter involving restitution, please contact the Victim-Witness Advocate in advance of trial. Restitution may be limited or declined based on various factors.
Victim Resources
Victim Information & Notification Everyday VINE is a free, fully automated information and notification telephone service. VINE provides victims of crime with the most vital and recent court hearing dates in addition to local jail and state prison status information for an offender currently involved in Maryland’s criminal justice system.
VINE also offers automated telephone notification of certain court hearings and changes in local jail or state prison offender status, such as release, transfer and escape.
VINE is available in English and Spanish, 24 hours a day, seven days a week. To register with VINE, call the Maryland VINE line toll-free at 1-866-MD4VINE (1-866-634-8463) from a touch-tone phone and choose the appropriate options or press 0 for operator assistance.
For more information, please visit

Criminal Injuries Compensation Board
The Criminal Injuries Compensation Board provides financial assistance for innocent victims of crime. The Board may compensate victims who suffer physical injury by helping with medical expenses and providing payment for part of their lost wages.
In cases of homicide, the Board may assist with funeral expenses and loss of support on the part of the victim's dependents. The Criminal Injuries Compensation Board operates under the auspices of the Maryland Department of Public Safety and Correctional Services.
For more information, please visit Criminal Injuries Compensation Board.
Victim's Fund
The Victims' Fund is money raised by the State's Attorney's Office and the Anne Arundel County Bar Association Foundation to reimburse crime victims who have no other means of replacing what has been damaged or stolen.
Anyone who has been the victim of a crime in Anne Arundel County and who meets the criteria established by the Victims' Fund Committee.
The Fund is intended to cover emergency needs limited to losses directly attributable to the crime. Examples include:
- Emergency repairs to help ensure safety (i.e., doors, windows, locks)
- All or a portion of an insurance deductible
- Replacement or repair of items necessary to resume school or work.
- The Victims' Fund Committee does not ordinarily cover counseling, funeral, medical or dental expenses, which may be covered by the Criminal Injuries Compensation Board.
First, you must report the crime to police or the Commissioner's office within 48 hours.
Second, contact Fund Coordinator Joan Stammnitz at (410) 222-6165.
Please have the following information available prior to contacting the Fund Coordinator:
- Date of incident
- Officer's name
- Police report number