Citizens can sign up for Alert Anne Arundel to receive alerts to their phone or email. Email alerts may contain a picture pertinent to the situation (for example, missing person, crime suspect, etc.). Anne Arundel County will utilize the system in true emergency situations such as, but not limited to:
- Security alerts
- Hazardous chemical spill or release
- Missing persons
- Evacuations
- Shelter-In-Place
- Water system concerns
- Hazardous weather
Citizens will also have the option to register for additional notifications pertaining to government operations and weather such as:
- NOAA Weather Alerts
- Alert Anne Arundel
- Police Department
How to Register?
To register for a new account or to access an existing account, click on the button below. Click the green "Sign Up" button and then enter your information.
Mobile App
The AlertSense My Alerts Mobile App may be downloaded onto Android or IOS phones and will allow the public to always stay informed with alerts set specifically to your area. The App will notify residents by sending push notifications when entering and leaving a targeted area.
Get the Mobile App for iOS or Android devices: