4-H Youth Development4-H is a positive youth development program that teaches through hands-on "learn by doing" activities that encourage children and teens to experiment, innovate, and think independently.
Accommodation RequestsLearn how to request accommodations for events and other county services
Accreditation for Community OrganizationsRecreation and Parks has established an accreditation process for all organizations and groups.
ACDS Housing ResourcesACDS offers a variety of housing resources for Anne Arundel County residents.
Active Police CasesThe Police Department has cold cases and missing persons cases that remain unsolved. We continue to seek information on these cases.
Active WarrantsView the database of warrants that are active and submit tips to the Office of the Sheriff
ADA Improvement Program For Public StreetsA program to improve the accessibility of existing pedestrian facilities including sidewalks and street crossings and to ensure constructed pedestrian facilities meet the accessibility requirements
Adaptive ProgramsOffering recreation activities specially designed for children and teens who have a disability and/or special needs. Our programs assist people in developing ways that enhance their health, well-being, and independence.
Administrative Hearings Decision ArchiveBrowse the list of decisions by the year in which the decision was made.
Administrative Hearings Land Use Hearing CalendarThe Office of Administrative Hearings hears petitions for and issues decisions.
Adoption & GuardianshipFile for Adoption or Guardianship. Adoption cases are filed for individuals looking to establish a legal parent/child relationship where one does not exist. Guardianship cases are filed for individuals who have a disability (which includes minority) and may also have property.
Adult & Youth SportsFind youth and adult sport league information, schedules and standings.
Adult Health ServicesThe Department of Health offers free or low-cost health care services for Anne Arundel County adults.
Adult Public GuardianshipThe Department of Aging and Disabilities serves as court-appointed guardian of person for Anne Arundel County residents age 65 years or older who are unable to make health and personal decisions for themselves due to a physical or mental disability.
Adult Recreation ProgramsAdult recreation programs provide opportunities for the public to participate in diverse recreational programs and activities designed to meet the needs of the community.
Affidavit of Animal ComplaintA citizen that has observed the violation of an animal-related law under Article 12 may file an Affidavit of Complaint Form. The affidavit must be notarized and returned to Animal Care & Control.
Aging & Disabilities Volunteer OpportunitiesThere are a number of very rewarding ways to provide meaningful volunteer service to your community through the Department of Aging and Disabilities.
Aging and Disabilities Information and Assistance ResourcesExplore information resources about services that are available to older adults, individuals with disabilities, and caregivers.
Agricultural & Woodland PreservationPreserving our County’s heritage agricultural and woodland preservation programs.
Alarm RegistrationFalse alarms divert emergency resources away from true emergencies. All businesses and homeowners are required to register their alarm system.
Americans with Disabilities Act Office (ADA)The ADA Office provides technical assistance to the public and County Government departments to ensure that County Government’s disability-related policies, procedures, and practices are implemented in conformance with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) and other disability rights laws.
Animal Care & Control - Get InvolvedVolunteer your time or donate supplies to help Animal Care & Control serve it's mission.
Animal Care & Control Volunteer OpportunitiesVolunteer your time or donate supplies to help Animal Care & Control serve it's mission.
Animal LawsLearn about the state and local laws that affect animal owners in Anne Arundel County.
Animal Related LicensesAnimal Care & Control is responsible for issuing licenses to pet owners as well as commercial entities.
Anne Arundel Community CollegeAnne Arundel Community College is the largest single-campus community college in Maryland. AACC is nationally recognized, public, two-year institution.
Anne Arundel County Food Bank Pantry MapSearch for Food Pantries, Baby Pantries, Senior Pantries, and Soup Kitchens Near You
Anne Arundel County Public LibraryAnne Arundel County Public Library is a community connector, providing resources to educate, enrich, and inspire the lives of all people. Spread across the county, there are a total of 16 library branches available to the public.
Anne Arundel County Public SchoolsAnne Arundel County Public Schools is the public school district serving Anne Arundel County, Maryland. With over 80,000 students, the AACPS school system is the 4th largest in Maryland.
Anne Arundel County TrailsAnne Arundel County Trail is an extensive network of recreation and transportation trails that include the B&A Trail, BWI Trail, Broadneck Peninsula Trail, and WB&A Trail.
Annual Park PassThe annual park pass offers a cost-effective and easy option if you plan to visit regional parks multiple times.
Appeals ProcessInstructions for filing an appeal with the Board of Appeals.
Application Process for Land DevelopmentLearn about the process and requirements if you are considering a development project in Anne Arundel County.
Aquatic CentersThe Arundel Olympic Swim Center and the North Arundel Aquatic Center are two indoor swimming facilities.
Arts Council of Anne Arundel CountyThe Arts Council provides leadership, funding, and support that promotes artistic excellence and historic preservation
Assisted Living ProgramsThe Assisted Living Program monitors the services residents receive in small (4-16 bed) assisted living facilities to ensure that residents receive appropriate care and services.
Assistive Technology Loan ProgramAssistive technology is any item, piece of equipment, software program, or product system that is used to increase, maintain, or improve the functional capabilities of persons with disabilities.
Auctioneer LicenseOne who receives compensation for conducting an auction sale
Background ChecksThe Anne Arundel County Police Department is not authorized to disseminate criminal history information (CHRI) to non-criminal justice agencies or individuals.
Beach Swim GuideUse the swim guide to check the recreational water quality at your favorite Anne Arundel County beach.
Become a CoachCoaching a youth sports team is a rewarding way to give back to our community and inspire our youth. Recreation and Parks provides coaches certification and volunteer background check services.
Behavioral Health ServicesAccess services that promote the emotional health and physical well being of Anne Arundel County residents.
Bicycle & Pedestrian PlanningBicycle and pedestrian planning goals are to create and maintain a safe, user-friendly bicycle and pedestrian network to encourage bicycling and walking as modes of transportation, as well as recreation, resulting in fewer cars/congestion, increased health, a cleaner environment, and an overall greater sense of community, within the County and the Region.
Bid OpportunitiesView current bid solicitations for county goods and services
Bid ResultsView the results from recent bid solicitations posted by the county
Birth and Death CertificatesThe Anne Arundel County Department of Health provides certified copies of birth certificates and death certificates at its headquarters in Annapolis.
Board of Appeals Decision ArchiveBrowse the list of Board of Appeals decisions by the year.
Board of Appeals Hearing ScheduleThe Board of Appeals hears appeals from the decisions of the Administrative Hearing Officer and other County agencies.
Boat RampsThree boat ramp sites are intended for use by trailer-mounted boats in Anne Arundel County.
Body Worn Camera ProgramAll officers were issued and trained in the use of body-worn cameras as of September 2021. Information about the Body Worn Camera program can be found on this page.
Bond SaleAnne Arundel County's General Obligation Bond Sale is for the financing of County approved bond funded Capital Projects.
Budget ArchiveThe past 10 years of budget documents are available for viewing.
Budget Data and Development ExplorerView the full Anne Arundel County budget
Building & Grading Code ViolationsUniform Civil Citations will be issued to each property owner, contractor and other identified responsible persons and/or business entities in accordance with applicable provisions of the Anne Arundel County Code.
Building InspectionsOnce a permit is issued, construction can commence. It is the permit holders' responsibility to contact the county when stages of construction are reached that require an inspection. Our Inspections Team checks to see that construction work in the field is built according to approved plans with respect to Anne Arundel County Building Code
Bulk Item PickupAnne Arundel County collects large items that do not fit into recycling or trash containers.
Bureau of Highways - Education & OutreachHOAs, schools, and other community groups that want to learn more about our programs, schedule a presentation, schedule a touch-a-truck, and/or schedule a site visit.
Business Employment SolutionsWe work with businesses in the region's top industries to identify workforce challenges, develop solutions,a nd ensure the industry has the pipeline of skilled talent to meet current and future demand.
Business FinancingWhether you’re starting, relocating or expanding a business in Anne Arundel, we’ve got the incentives and financing opportunities to set the foundation for your success.
Business LicensesFind information on applying for business licenses in Anne Arundel County
Business Personal Property TaxAnne Arundel County issues business personal property tax bills for any business entity that has business assets located within our jurisdiction.
CandidacyInterested in running for office? Candidates for office must meet certain qualifications. Learn the steps for filing a candidacy for the Anne Arundel County Board of Elections
Capital ProjectsExplore projects that are funded through the budget process and being implemented around the County to improve the quality of life for our citizens.
Carcass RemovalAnimal Care & Control provides the removal of carcasses on County Roads Monday - Friday during normal business hours
Career CentersThe Anne Arundel Career Centers provide professional services to job seekers and businesses.
Career Path ExplorationAAWDC builds success for individuals by connecting them to up-to-date skills and certifications required by businesses while helping to advance their own careers.
Caregiver Educational WorkshopsView the upcoming workshops available for Caregivers.
Caregiver GrantsAre you caring for an older relative or spouse? Do you have primary responsibility for raising a grandchild? The constant demands and responsibility for caring for another person can be both rewarding and tiring. Caregiving can be fulfilling but emotionally exhausting.
Carnival LicenseCarnivals, bazaars, lawn-fete or similar fundraising events for no more than 12 days per year
Cartop Boat LaunchLearn about the Anne Arundel County cartop boat launch sites at many community and regional parks.
Charitable Giving to County ProgramsYou can directly support essential Anne Arundel County departments, programs or projects that provide critical resources to local residents through the Anne Arundel County Fund.
Child SupportAccess the child support customer service and payment information website.
Circus LicenseAuthorizes the presentation of performances by people or animals
Citations & ProclamationsThe County Executive issues Citations and Proclamations to recognize accomplishments and to highlight special announcements. Learn how to submit a request for consideration.
Civilian Ride Along ProgramHave you ever thought about what it's like to be a police officer? The Civilian Ride Along Program allows ordinary people to ride along with a police officer and experience what it's like to work in law enforcement.
Coaches CertificationCoaches are role models and held accountable to a code of behavior that ensures youth sports remain in proper perspective.
Code Enforcement Litigation ReportsView the outcome of code enforcement cases.
Coin Operated Device LicenseVideo, pinball, or similar games
Commissary DepositsHygiene items, clothing, and a variety of snack foods are available for purchase on a non-cash basis through the Commissary
Communities of HopeCommunities of Hope engage the community and develop a collaborative approach to community wellness.
Community Crime StatisticsThe Central Records Division will provide Community Crime statistics upon request.
Community Engagement OfficersContact Community Engagement for information about a project in your community or to voice your opinion about an issue, policy, or goals for the community
Community Health AlertsSign up to receive Community Health related email alerts
Community Meetings ProcessCommunity meetings are required for land development projects.
Community Outreach & EducationThe best way to reduce crime is to prevent it from occurring in the first place. State’s Attorney Anne Colt Leitess provides citizens with the skills they need to recognize potential criminal activity.
Community ParksExplore Anne Arundel County's community parks, playgrounds, natural areas, athletic fields and historic sites.
Community PlanningThe Community Planning Section is the lead in preparing Region Plans, Town Center Plans, Sector Plans, and other community-level master plans as needed.
Community Planning and DevelopmentArundel Community Development Services, Inc. is a unique nonprofit organization committed to creating affordable housing opportunities and improving the lives of low income individuals through community development.
Community Police AcademyLearn about laws, police procedures, forensics, crime scene collections, resource management and more by participating in the Community Police Academy.
Community Support GrantsThe County Executive's Office is pleased to offer Community Support Grants to eligible non-profit organizations
Community TelevisionAnne Arundel Community Television (AACTV) is Anne Arundel County’s non-commercial cable access facility.
Commuter CrewExplore different commuting options available in Anne Arundel County from biking and pedestrian trails to carpools to vanpools and transit routes. Learn about FREE transportation options available to Anne Arundel County residents.
Concerts in the ParksOur parks will host a terrific lineup of outdoor concerts for the whole family to enjoy the Concert Series.
Constituent ServicesIf you need help with accessing a county service or have questions/concerns about a service, reach out to our Constituent Service Officers
Countywide PlanningThe Countywide Planning Section is the lead in preparing the County's General Development Plan, Water and Sewer Master Plan, and other functional plans as needed.
Court Case InformationView the Circuit Court's daily docket and the schedules for the District Court's State Attorney by accessing the provided resources.
Court House LocationsView the location and contact information for the court houses serving Anne Arundel County
COVID-19Get information about the novel coronavirus (COVID-19), its spread, and protection measures for you and your family.
CPR TrainingThe Anne Arundel County Fire Department Training Academy offers the Family & Friends CPR Course which teaches the lifesaving skills of adult Hands- Only® CPR, child CPR with breaths, adult and child AED use, infant CPR and relief of choking in an adult, child or infant.
Crime PreventionThe Crime Prevention Unit is a resource that can give people who live or work in Anne Arundel County advice and information on how to prevent or stop crime from happening at their homes or businesses.
Critical AreaCritical Area is located 1,000 feet landward from mean high tide or the edge of tidal wetlands, as designated on the State Tidal Wetland maps, and all waters of and lands under the Chesapeake Bay and its tributaries.
Curbside CollectionThe Bureau of Waste Management Services is responsible for collecting recycling, yard waste and trash from over 169,000 curbside customers.
Current BudgetView the budget for the current fiscal year
Current Transportation ProjectsThe Office of Transportation works with partner agencies to implement transportation related projects for the residents of Anne Arundel County.
Dangerous Animals RegistryThe Registry provides citizens with access to information about animals residing in Anne Arundel County which have been designated by Anne Arundel County Animal Care & Control to be Potentially Dangerous or Dangerous.
Deer Management ProgramAnne Arundel County Department of Recreation and Parks monitors the deer impact on County parkland with appropriate management options.
Department PerformanceMonitor performance of departments within the Anne Arundel County Government.
Design ManualProcedures, standards, and criteria to be used by all design professionals in the preparation of designs requiring the approval of the Departments of Public Works and other County agencies.
Directory of Nursing HomesThere are 13 nursing home care facilities located in Anne Arundel County, Maryland. Use the link below to view a listing of the facilities, services they provide and their contact information.
Disaster PreparednessEmergencies and disasters can strike quickly and without warning and can force you to evacuate your neighborhood or confine you to your home. Get helpful information and resources on planning and preparing for such events.
Disaster Recovery Volunteer OpportunitiesHelp your community before, during, and after disasters by getting involved! There are tons of volunteer opportunities for all ages!
Discrimination/Harassment ComplaintsThe County is committed to non-discrimination and fostering a community that promotes equity, inclusion, and acceptance for all. Equal opportunity of access to programs shall be extended to all persons.
Disease Prevention and ManagementGet information and services related to the prevention and control of communicable diseases
Do Business with the CountyThe Purchasing Division of the Office of Central Services is responsible for purchasing supplies, materials and equipment for all County Government department and agency operations.
Dog Parks and BeachesAnne Arundel County Department of Recreation and Parks encourages and welcomes dog owners and their dogs in County parks as long as they abide by the laws set forth governing the dog's behavior.
Dogs in the ParkAnne Arundel County Department of Recreation and Parks encourages and welcomes dog owners and their dogs in County parks as long as they abide by the laws set forth governing the dog's behavior.
Domestic ViolenceThe Office of the State's Attorney for Anne Arundel County offers a team of dedicated Victim-Witness Advocates are available to provide the necessary support and resources to assist during such a challenging time.
Donate School SuppliesDonate back-to-school supplies to a child in need with the Anne Arundel County Department of Social Services.
DPW Maps & Paper ProductsThe DPW File Room provides links to digital GIS web maps and paper products.
DPW Text AlertsSign up to receive emergency alerts and severe weather warnings that could directly impact you and your family
Drag Race LicenseDrag races in a single location for no more than three days in each week for a calendar year
Drinking Water Quality ReportsView annual reports detailing the quality of our award winning water
Ecological Assessment & EvaluationThe Ecological Assessment and Evaluation (EAE) Program is responsible for the administration of the County’s National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System -- Municipal Separate Storm Sewer System (NPDES-MS4) Permit, the County’s Biological Monitoring Program, and a variety of Non-tidal Surface Water Monitoring Program projects.
Economic Data ResourcesAAEDC is committed to sharing critical data so businesses can make the right investment decisions.
Election InformationFind all the resources and tools you need to make a plan to vote.
Emergency Contact InformationImportant diaster response phone numbers.
Emergency Medical ServicesThe Emergency Medical Services (EMS) Division provides emergency and non-emergency medical services to the citizens of Anne Arundel County.
Emergency Notfications Sign UpAnne Arundel County utilizes an emergency notification system, CivicReady©, capable of contacting citizens and businesses quickly in case of an emergency. CivicReady© alerts the public of emergencies and disasters, safety measures to be taken, and information pertaining to government operations.
Emergency Planning for ChildrenLearn more about natural disasters, such as their cause, where they occur, and how to stay safe. Know the facts, be empowered!
Emergency Recovery InformationAfter an emergency, the Office of Emergency Management will work with local, State, and Federal departments and agencies, and non-governmental organizations to assist with Recovery Operations.
Employee BenefitsLearn about the comprehensive benefits package offered to Anne Arundel County employees, including health insurance, life insurance, paid time off, holidays, and pension plans
Employment InformationInformation about Job Listings and Announcements, Employee Benefits, Internships and more
EngageArundelThrough the Anne Arundel County Executive’s Office of Community Engagement & Constituent Services, explore how you can engage with your county government.
Environmental HealthLearn about the environmental regulation, inspection, investigation and education of the public in the areas of community housing, food protection, private septic systems and wells, recreational waters and other environmental programs.
Estate SearchProvides public access to the estate case records of the State of Maryland Register of Wills Offices.
Ethics Commission OpinionsThe law requires the ethics commission to issue an advisory opinion, upon request, to any county employee or volunteer, regarding the application of the ethics law to that person.
Fair Housing ComplaintsIt is illegal under Anne Arundel County law to discriminate in housing. Learn about complaint procedures and access the form online.
Family HealthFind health care services for families, children, and expecting mothers.
FingerprintsThe Anne Arundel County Police Department does not provide fingerprint services to non-applicants unless ordered by the court.
Fire and Arson InvestigationsThe Fire & Explosives Investigation Unit investigates undetermined, suspicious or incendiary fires and conducts post blast investigation. It also investigates all sudden deaths or injuries which occur as a result of fire.
Fire and EMS TrainingThe Training Academy located in Millersville, MD provides training, education, and certification to fire personnel.
Fire Code ViolationsSubmit any information you have regarding a suspected fire code violation using our online form
Fire Educational Visits & ToursCitizens of all ages are invited to schedule a Friendly Firefighter Visit or Station Tour at any of our 31 fire stations.
Fire Flow TestsFire flow tests provide actual pressure and flow data measured at specific fire hydrants (FH) within the County’s water distribution system.
Fire Protection System PermitsPermits are required for the installation or alteration of fire protection systems.
Fire Related InspectionsThe Fire Marshal Division performs inspections to assure compliance with the fire code. Get information on the types of inspections that the Fire Marshal provides.
Fire Safety & EducationThe Anne Arundel County Fire Department’s Public Education Office is committed to preventing injury and loss of life through awareness and education.
Fishing in the ParkFishing is a popular leisure time activity enjoyed by many residents.
Flooding: Well Water, Food Safety and MoldThe Department of Health offers these links to help County residents cope with storms, floods and other emergencies.
Food Hunger MapAccess the Maryland Food Bank's online Hunger Map to locate food sources in your area.
ForestryThe Forestry Program administers the reforestation and afforestation requirements of the Critical Area Program, and the Maryland Forest Conservation Act.
Fundraising Events LicenseAuthorizes bingo, paddle wheels, big-six wheels, and wheels of fortune for charitable organizations
Gated ParksLearn about the combination lock request for gated parks and secured equipment.
General Liability ClaimRisk Management investigates and resolves claims against Anne Arundel County Government.
Geocaching in the ParkGeocaching is an outdoor treasure hunting game using a GPS to navigate and find the hidden cache.
Grading PermitsA grading permit or a Standard Grading Plan is required when a project involves ground disturbance. A grading permit is required if the proposed project fails to meet the limitations of a Standard Grading Plan.
Green Infrastructure Master PlanThe Green Infrastructure Master Plan (Plan) is a guide to conserving an interconnected network of the most significant remaining natural lands in Anne Arundel County through voluntary actions.
Historic Hancock's ResolutionFor hundreds of years, over 80% of the American population lived in semi-isolation on small family farms scattered throughout the countryside. Award-winning Hancock's Resolution is one of the very few of those farms still remaining.
Historic London Town & GardensHistoric London Town and Gardens is a twenty-three acre park featuring history, archaeology, and horticulture on the South River in Edgewater, Maryland.
Holiday Sharing ProgramHoliday sharing matches donors to seniors and/or families in need during Thanksgiving and Christmas.
Home & Community Based Options Waiver ProgramCommunity Options Waiver enables adults 18 and older to remain in a community setting even though their advanced age or disability would warrant placement in a long-term care facility.
Homeland Security & IntelligenceThe Homeland Security Unit promotes public safety and strengthened domestic security by providing services in partnership with local, state, and federal criminal justice agencies to prevent, investigate, and solve crimes while protecting Anne Arundel County citizens and visitors.
Homelessness PreventionHelping homeless families and families at-risk of homelessness achieve stability.
Homeownership CounselingThe Homeownership Counseling Program provides new homebuyers with everything they need to know about buying a home, making homeownership an attainable -and sustainable- goal.
Household Hazardous Waste Drop OffThe Bureau of Waste Management Services organizes several events throughout the year to drop-off hazardous chemicals that are not ordinarily accepted at the curb or at our recycling centers or landfill
Housing Resource PortalThis portal allows residents to search for programs and resources from county government, local partners, and private community-based organizations
Huckster LicenseOne who moves about the county, or goes door to door offering various products for sale or trade
Inclusive Ventures ProgramThe Inclusive Ventures Program (IVP) seeks to help small, minority-owned, woman-owned, and Veteran-owned businesses in Anne Arundel County succeed and grow.
Inmate LocatorLook up the housing location, future court dates and bail information of inmates committed and currently housed at Anne Arundel County Detention Facilities
Inmate ProgramsService and Programs offered at JRCC and ORCC
Inmate VisitationLook up inmate visiting hours for the Jennifer Road Detention Center and the Ordnance Road Correctional Center.
Internet & Technology AccessAnne Arundel County recognizes that the internet is essential for daily aspects of life, including education, employment, healthcare, government services, communication, and civic engagement.
Internship ProgramCounty Executive's Internship Program Anne Arundel County's Internship Program is designed to identify and develop the future talents of students throughout Anne Arundel County.
Job AnnouncementsSearch or browse the County's current employment opportunities.
Job DescriptionsDetailed information such as position descriptions, salary ranges, required qualifications, and available benefits
Job NotificationsIf the job you are looking for is not currently being announced, but becomes available within the next 12 months, we can notify you its opening.
Justice NewsletterRegister to receive the Anne Arundel Justice Newsletter from the Office of the State's Attorney
Kayaking TripsExplore the waterways and beaches of Anne Arundel County by kayak, under the direction of certified instructors.
Land Development ActivityFrom the farms of South County, to the suburbs near Annapolis and Baltimore, our County receives a variety of proposals for new development, redevelopment and infill development on a continual basis.
Land Records and DeedsInformation about Real Property, such as, Deeds, Mortgages/Deeds of Trust, Releases of Mortgages/Deeds of Trust, Subdivision/Condominium Plats, Homeowners Depository records, etc.
Land Use NavigatorThe Land Use Navigator is a web based application that allows customers to access and obtain various Anne Arundel County services online.
Land Use Navigator System InformationThe Land Use Navigator (LUN) is a web based application that allows customers to access and obtain Inspection and Permit and Zoning Administration services online.
LandfillThe Millersville Landfill & Resource Recovery Facility is located on more than 565 acres in Severn and is the only active municipal solid waste landfill owned by Anne Arundel County
Landlord & Tenant MattersThe Office of the Sheriff is involved in all landlord-tenant legal processes including the serving of summons and evictions.
Lasting Gift ProgramThe Lasting Gift Program is a wonderful way to pay tribute to someone or an occasion that has touched your life.
Leak AdjustmentDepartment of Public Works offers a "Leak Adjustment" as a benefit to our customers faced with the expense of costly plumbing repairs and the associated high utility bill.
Legal AssistanceHave a legal problem with Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid, pension benefits, unemployment, housing, credit or other civil matters? Legal counseling, advice and representation may be available through the Department of Aging and Disabilities' contracted legal services provider.
Liquid Waste Hauler LicenseEmptying or cleaning of any sewage disposal facility
Liquor LicensesThe Board of License Commissioners is responsible for processing new liquor licenses as well as transfers and changes to existing licenses.
Living Well SeriesThe Living Well Series are workshops that offer information on how to manage conditions such as diabetes, high blood pressure, heart disease, and other chronic conditions. The workshops are held at various Senior Activity Centers around Anne Arundel County. The workshops are FREE.
Local Traffic Camera FeedsView traffic on local roads from the County's live camera feeds
Long Term Care Ombudsman ProgramThe Long-Term Care Ombudsman Program offers free, confidential service and advocates for residents of nursing and assisted living homes
Lost & Found PetsAnne Arundel County law requires all stray animals found in the County be turned over to Anne Arundel County Animal Care & Control within 24 hours of the pet being found. This law helps create one central location for owners to search and increases the likelihood that missing pets will be reunited with their family.
Marriage LicensesInformation for obtaining a marriage license and certified copies.
Maryland Hall for the Creative ArtsDedicated to Art for All, Maryland Hall is the region’s cultural core, convening and engaging all people - no matter age or background - in arts experiences that strengthen community.
Maryland SNAP-EdMaryland SNAP-Ed is a nutrition education program that creates healthier environments and improves the wellbeing of limited income families here in Anne Arundel County.
Massage Therapy Establishment LicenseAn establishment or premises occupied and used for the purpose of practicing massage therapy or massage therapy training
Master Gardener ProgramAnne Arundel County Master Gardeners are volunteer representatives who are trained to educate citizens about effective and sustainable horticultural practices that build healthy gardens, landscapes, and communities. Master Gardeners offer landscaping problem-solving through demonstration projects, partnerships with other organizations, and public outreach activities.
Mobile Home Dealer LicenseAuthorizes the selling of mobile homes within the county
Mobile Home Park LicenseOperating a property with more than one residential mobile home
Mobile Home Space Permit LicenseOne mobile home on residential property if home was lawfully in use since April 1966
Mobile Integrated Community Health (MICH)The Mobile Integrated Community Health (MICH) Program public private partnership addresses situations when a 911 medical emergency response and transport to a local emergency department may not best meet the needs of the client.
Mortgage Assistance ProgramThe Mortgage Assistance Program (MAP) provides deferred loans up to $50,000 to first time homebuyers in Anne Arundel County to help with down payment and settlement costs.
Multicultural AffairsConnect with multicultural communities in Anne Arundel County.
Multiple Dwelling LicenseMaintaining and operating apartments, bed and breakfasts, hotels, motels, rooming houses and residences with two or more units
National Family Caregiver Services ProgramThe National Family Caregiver Support Program (NFCSP) is designed to provide help and support just for you - the caregiver.
Natural Areas & Historic SitesThe Natural and Cultural Resources Division protects and preserves the natural and cultural resource areas in Anne Arundel County, while providing education and leisure opportunities for County residents and visitors.
Non Residential PermitsBuilding permits ensure minimum standards to safeguard life, health, property and the public welfare by regulating the design, construction, quality of materials and use of buildings and structures; and to protect the environment
Non Trade LicensesNon Trade Licenses are issued for various types of entertainment activities and venues, multiple dwellings, short-term rentals and certain types of vendor activities.
Notary PublicNotary Service hours, certifications, and procedures for becoming a Notary Public.
Obtaining 911 Call RecordsInformation on how to request an existing 911 call record.
One-Day Liquor LicensesA one-day license allows non-profit organizations, clubs, associations, societies and groups of people to hold one-time events where alcoholic beverages are served and/or consumed.
Online Crime ReportingThis is not an immediate response system. If this is an emergency or a crime in progress, dial 9-1-1.
OpenDataExplore and download data, analyze and combine datasets, and develop new web and mobile applications
Paddle-In CampingThe Department of Recreation and Parks offers two paddle-in campsites located along the Patuxent River.
Paratransit for Older Adults and Individuals with DisabilitiesAnne Arundel County offers both Complementary and General Paratransit transportation.
Park Facility RentalsHold your next family reunion, birthday party or organization outing at a community park or regional park.
Park FinderLooking for a park in your neighborhood? Explore this interactive tool from Recreation and Parks to find parks, trails, facilities, amenities and so much more.
Park Pavilion RentalsHold your next family reunion, birthday party or organization outing at a community park or regional park.
Parking GaragesAnne Arundel County Government owns two county parking garages that are managed by the Facilities Management Division of the Office of Central Services.
Pawnbroker LicenseOne who operates a Pawnbroker business
Payment AssistanceIf you are having trouble paying your property taxes we encourage you to look at the list of available resources below for financial assistance to help you pay your property taxes
Pet Adoption & FosteringThinking about getting a pet? Every year thousands of your neighbors are choosing to adopt or foster from our shelter. Visit us and see why. Wonderful pets of all types, breeds and ages are available – just waiting for your loving home.
Pet Health & SafetyThe health and safety of animals and pets in the county is of utmost importance to Animal Care & Control.
Pet Waste ReductionLearn why pet waste is a big deal and how you can prevent watershed pollution
Photography Sessions in the ParkAnne Arundel County Department of Recreation and Parks encourage the use of its parks for recreational photography.
Planning & Zoning Map Information CounterThe Anne Arundel County Office of Planning and Zoning Map Counter is located at the Heritage Office Complex in Annapolis.
Police Chaplain ProgramPolice Chaplains are responsible for providing pastoral care to members of the department and their families, and sometimes even to members of the general public.
Police Citations & ViolationsThe Central Records Section of the Anne Arundel County Police Department is responsible for processing all citations that are issued by the department.
Police Community OutreachThe Anne Arundel County Police Department offers various services with the goal of enhancing community safety and deterring criminal behavior.
Police Community RelationsThe Division is composed of the Community Relations Section and the School Safety Section. The Community Relations Division provides many free services to enhance the quality of life of County citizens and businesses.
Police Department FeedbackSubmit a Compliment/Complaint about a Police Officer to the Anne Arundel County Police Department
Police RecordsTo obtain records from the Anne Arundel County Police Department, you can submit a request through their online form, by mail, or in person. Please note that there may be applicable fees associated with obtaining these records.
Police Volunteer OpportunitiesAnne Arundel County Police Department offers a variety of volunteer opportunities.
Popular Park ActivitiesWhether it's summer, winter or somewhere in between, Anne Arundel County Parks are the perfect place to have fun, unwind and build relationships. Walking on natural trails, kayaking, swimming and just having fun.
PotholesReport potholes found on County roads. The Bureau of Highways will respond/repair the pothole within 2 business days.
Preservation PlanningThe Historic Preservation Planning Section protects Anne Arundel County’s historic sites, buildings, archaeological sites and landscapes.
Pretreatment ProgramThe Department of Public Works is authorized to implement its pretreatment program in an effort to eliminate contributions of pollutants that could cause harm to or interfere with the County wastewater collection system.
Pretrial Intake & Supervised ReleaseMake release recommendations at bail hearings based on verified criminal and social history information
and monitor compliance with the conditions of release for defendants released to the program’s supervision pending trial. -
Procurement Access and Vendor Equity (PAVE)The PAVE program’s primary objective is to increase wealth in the minority, women-owned, veteran-owned, and small business communities through government contracting opportunities.
Proper Storage of Household TrashThe Anne Arundel County Property Maintenance Code requires each owner and occupant of a property to provide a sufficient number of containers for the storage and disposal of trash between times of trash collection service.
Public Access TelevisionPublic access television encourages the local community to produce programming that serves viewers with high production quality, diverse viewpoints and regular scheduling.
Public Information Act RequestMaryland’s Public Information Act (“PIA”), codified at Md. General Provisions Code Ann. §4-101 et seq., grants the public the right of access to records that are in the possession of State and local governmental agencies.
Real Property TaxReal property tax information for property owners in Anne Arundel County, Maryland.
Real Time Information CenterThe Anne Arundel County Police Department's Real-Time Information Center (RTIC) is committed to harnessing technology and resources to optimize public safety response.
Reclaiming a PetLearn about the process and requirements for reclaiming a pet that is in the care and custody of Animal Care & Control.
Recordation and Transfer TaxRecordation and Transfer Taxes are excise taxes imposed and governed by State and Public Local Law for the privilege of recording an instrument in the County Land Records (or, in some cases, with the State Department of Assessments and Taxation).
Recovery Support ServicesLearn about services that strive to engage and assist individuals in accessing the skills and services needed to reach their individual recovery goals by using a strengths-based, person-centered approach.
Recreation & Parks Closings & CancellationsView a list of current closures and notifications for the Department of Recreation and Parks' programs, facilities and events.
Recreation & Parks Volunteer Background CheckBackground Check Program is to provide parents with peace of mind knowing their children are provided a safe and positive experience.
Recreation & Parks VolunteersRecreation and Parks has many different volunteer programs and opportunities for your participation.
Recycling CentersThe county operates 3 recycling centers for its residents and businesses
Recycling ContainersThe Bureau of Waste Management Services provides recycling containers and compost bins for residents to utilize.
Recycling InformationRecyclables are collected curbside once a week, Monday through Friday, by private haulers under contract to Anne Arundel County on your collection day
Reduce, Reuse, DonateEliminating waste before it is created! Source Reduction involves the design, manufacture, purchase, or use of materials or products to reduce the amount of waste generated.
Regional ParksThe Parks Division provides a comprehensive system of recreational facilities with approximately 7,160 acres of recreation land and another 9,900 acres of natural resource land.
Report a Cable TV IssueHaving problems with your Broadband or Cable provider? Contact us to see if we can help.
Report a ConcernSubmit a concern or an issue to the county online
Report Illegal Littering/DumpingDumping trash or litter on the roadside is both harmful to the environment and illegal. If you witness illegal littering and dumping, please take action and report it.
Report Missed Curbside CollectionWas your Recycling, Yard Waste, or Trash not collected on your scheduled collection day? Let us know so we can resolve the issue.
Report Suspicious Activity or PersonsIf you come across suspicious activity or individuals in Anne Arundel County, please use the provided online form to report it. If a crime is actively taking place, please dial 911 for immediate assistance.
Request a Facility or Field Use PermitInformation for local community organizations to request a facility or field use permit with the Department of Recreation and Parks.
Reserve OfficerThe Anne Arundel County Police Department Reserve Officer Unit is a rewarding volunteer assignment requiring a commitment of 16 hours of volunteer service each month, including two special events.
Residential PermitsBuilding permits ensure minimum standards to safeguard life, health, property and the public welfare by regulating the design, construction, quality of materials and use of buildings and structures; and to protect the environment
Respite Care Referral ProgramA registry of self-employed home care workers who can provide direct, hands-on personal care or companion care to older adults and adults with disabilities.
Retired Police (LEOSA)The Anne Arundel County Police Training Academy LEOSA qualifications are open to sworn members who retired in good standing from the Anne Arundel County Police Department.
Right of Way PermittingHomeowners, Utilities, and their contractors may require a Right-of-Way permit to undertake certain repairs and construction.
Road Closures and ConstructionLearn about projects and other events that may impact your travels on County Roads.
Road MaintenanceThe Bureau of Highways is responsible for all maintenance activities associated with the roads of Anne Arundel County’s transportation system.
Road Ownership ProgramsLearn the process for changing the ownership of roads within the county
Roadside Mowing, Brush Cutting, and Herbicide ApplicationThe Bureau of Highways is responsible for roadside maintenance activities associated with the roads of Anne Arundel County’s transportation system including mowing, brush cutting and herbicide application.
Roadside Vendor LicenseThose who offer products for sale at roadside stands or from mobile facilities parked along the roads
Robbery PreventionThe Anne Arundel County Police Department provides robbery prevention surveys for both residential homes and businesses, aimed at enhancing safety and security measures.
Rodent and Pest ControlThe Anne Arundel County Property Maintenance Code requires that all structures and exterior property are kept free from rodent harborage and infestation.
Safe StationsPersons seeking treatment for addiction can visit any police or fire station across the county, day or night, to dispose of any paraphernalia and find assistance gaining access to care.
Safe Surrender ProgramSafe Surrender is a process for you to safely learn of an outstanding warrant.
Sanitary Sewer Overflow MapSanitary sewer overflows are caused by sewer system obstructions, data, or flows in excess of sewer capacity. See various maps depicting sanitary sewer overflow events.
School Age Child Care ProgramsRecreation and Parks state-licensed Pre-K and School Age Child Care programs are located in Anne Arundel County.
School Aged Child Care PaymentsAccess the payment portal to pay your school aged child care payment.
School Bus SafetyLearn information about the school bus safety program, which is conducted in collaboration with the Anne Arundel County Police Department, in accordance with MD Transportation Code Section 21-706.
Second Hand Dealer LicenseA person who commercially acquires and trades with the public in tangible personal property
Senior Activity CentersA place to learn, make friends, volunteer. Visit one of our seven Senior Activity Centers.
Senior CareThe Senior Care Program assists county residents aged 65 and older with moderate to severe disabilities.
Senior Center PlusSenior Center Plus is a structured, supervised day program for those older adults who may not be able to navigate the Senior Activity Centers independently.
Senior Nutrition ProgramsThe Department of Aging and Disabilities Senior Nutrition Program's mission is to promote the meal programs and provide nutrition education for older adults.
Septic System PermitsA Septic Installation Permit is required for the installation of any onsite sewage disposal system (both commercial and residential).
Sewer CleanoutsFind information about how to locate your sewer cleanout
Sewer/Wastewater SystemThe wastewater system is divided into ten service areas. The Bureau operates Water Reclamation Facilities in nine (9) of those areas and has ten connections with three other jurisdictions (Baltimore County, Baltimore City, and Howard County).
Sheriff's Office FeedbackSubmit a compliment/complaint to the Office of the Sheriff
Short Term Residential Rental LicenseShort term residential rental as defined by the County Code
Site InspectionsSite Inspections are conducted for grading, storm water management and infrastructure work on active construction sites. These inspections are performed on a regular basis by the County.
Smoke Alarm OutreachEvery day in the United States 1,500 homes catch on fire. Each year 4,500 people die and 280,000 are injured in residential fires. The majority of fire deaths occur at night, while everyone is asleep.
Snow RemovalThe Bureau of Highways is responsible for the removal of snow from all County-maintained roadways and is dedicated to insuring the safety of the traveling public while providing timely service to our citizen and business communities during inclement weather
Special Event PermitProcession of people, vehicles, and/or floats
Special ObservancesThe county observes special times of the year to increase awareness, mutual respect, and understanding. View the calendar of special observances.
Start a BusinessHave an idea for a new business or want to grow your small business? Anne Arundel Economic Development Corporation’s Small Business Resource Center can help.
State Health Insurance Assistance (SHIP)SHIP provides free, confidential one-on-one health insurance counseling and information to Medicare-eligible persons and their families.
State's Attorney Community Outreach & EducationThe State’s Attorney provides citizens with the skills they need to recognize potential criminal activity.
States Attorney Victim Witness ServicesServices and resources available for victims and witnesses of a crime.
Storm Drain Marking ProgramHelp protect our County’s waterways from pollution by organizing your class, scout group, family, and neighbors to place storm drain markers in your neighborhood.
Suicide & Crisis ServicesThe Crisis Response System known as the "Community Warmline" is a service that provides Anne Arundel County Residents in crisis with supportive assistance and linkages to resources within the community.
Summer CampsThe Department of Recreation and Parks offers summer day camps for all ages throughout Anne Arundel County.
SwimmingThe Department of Recreation and Parks offers two outdoor swimming park locations and two indoor swim centers.
Systems of CareConnecting families to community resources to ensure their basic needs are met
Tax Credits & ExemptionsAnne Arundel County has enacted several local property tax credits for the benefit of the owners of real property located within our jurisdiction.
Tax SaleAnne Arundel County holds a tax sale each year to sell its 1st lien on real property with outstanding taxes and fees.
Taxi Cab Operator LicenseThose who own or operate cabs for fares originating within the county
Taxi Cab Vehicle Registration LicenseA license is required for any vehicle that is owned or operated and used as a taxi that picks up fares beginning in Anne Arundel County. This license is not required for personal rideshare services.
Telephone ReassuranceTelephone Reassurance gives peace of mind to older adults who live alone. The program provides a daily, safety-check phone call seven days a week.
Third Party InspectionsThe Anne Arundel County Department of Inspections and Permits (I&P) manages a Third Party Inspector Certification program for footing, backfill, and slab inspections.
TowingLeaving a vehicle at a tow facility for more than 10 days may constitute abandonment and result in civil and/or criminal prosecution under MD Transportation Article § 25-202.
Towing Company LicenseThose who own or operate tow equipment for nonconsensual towing and in response to police department requests
Trade InspectionsOnce a permit is issued, construction can commence. It is the permit holders' responsibility to contact the county when stages of construction are reached that require an inspection.
Trade LicensesLicenses are issued for common trades such as plumbing, electrical, mechanical and others.
Trade PermitsLicensed electricians, plumbers and mechanics may apply for permits.
Traffic CamerasView traffic on local roads from the County's live camera feeds
Traffic Engineering & MaintenanceReport traffic control concerns such as intersection safety, traffic calming, and mis-timed traffic signals
Transit/Bus Services & RoutesThe Anne Arundel County Office of Transportation provides both local service and regional transit connections.
Transportation AssistanceAnne Arundel County offers transportation assistance programs to older adults aged 55(+) and individuals aged 18-54 with disabilities.
Transportation/Transit ComplaintReport issues and complaints to the Office of Transportation for transit related services
Utility Billing InformationFind information, forms, and frequently asked questions about the utility billing process.
Utility BillsFind Water/Wastewater, Front Foot/CFA and Installment Agreement Bills.
Veterans Services Coordination CenterThe Coordination Center is a single access point for local, state, and federal government services and resources available to veterans and their families.
Vision ZeroVision Zero is a strategy to eliminate all traffic fatalities and severe injuries, while increasing safe, healthy, equitable mobility for all.
Volunteer as a FirefighterWelcome! Congratulations on taking the first step in showing your interest in becoming an Anne Arundel County Volunteer Firefighter!
Volunteer at the States Attorney OfficeThe Office of the State’s Attorney offers many duties for volunteers, from general office duties to case research. Our Office also provides opportunities for students looking to fulfill internship requirements.
Volunteer OpportunitiesThe Anne Arundel County Police Department provides a variety of volunteer opportunities for those who are interested in giving back to the community.
Volunteers in Police Services (VIPS) ProgramThe VIPS (Volunteers in Police Service) Program is specifically designed to engage civilian volunteers in non-enforcement roles within the Anne Arundel County Police Department.
Voter Registration and Mail-in Ballot RequestRegister to vote, request a mail-in ballot and update your registration.
Voter Registration VolunteerA voter registration volunteer is an individual who assists Maryland citizens in registering to vote.
Voting and Election DataView voting and election data from previous years.
Voting InformationDiscover answers to nearly every question you may have about exercising your right to vote.
Warrants and Civil ProcessThe Anne Arundel County Sheriff’s Office serves all types of civil process, and warrants apprehension.
Water AccessDiscover public water access in Anne Arundel County such as; cartop canoe and kayak launch sites, paddle-in camping, fishing, boat ramp, boat rental, dog beach and swimming.
Water Distribution SystemThe water supply system consists of 3 independent wells and 8 major water treatment facilities and provides clean safe drinking water to thousands of county customers.
Water Line MaintenanceA comprehensive program of on-going investigation and preventative maintenance maximizes system performance and is more economical than expensive and inconvenient emergency repairs.
Water/Sewer ConnectionsLearn about connecting to the county's water and sewer services.
Water/Sewer EmergencyEmergency Services answers customer calls regarding their water and wastewater service, 365 days a year, 24 hours a day
Waterfront Homeowners GuideAs a waterfront homeowner, the actions you take to manage and protect your property are essential for preserving our waterways as a special place for future generations.
Watershed Assessment & PlanningThe Watershed Assessment and Planning Program supplements water quality monitoring performed by the Ecological Assessment and Evaluation Program with additional stream and watershed baseline assessment measurements such as high resolution impervious and land cover datasets, urban stormwater information pertaining to treatment areas and performance measures, septic and stormwater infrastructure information, stream problem area inventory, in addition to other assessment data.
Watershed Protection & Restoration FeeThe Watershed Protection & Restoration Fee provides a dedicated source of revenue for the operating, maintenance and capital improvement expense of stormwater management programs regulated and required by the State and Federal governments.
Watershed Protection and Restoration Fee Appeal ProgramThe Watershed Protection and Restoration Fee (WPRF) Appeal Program is intended for property owners who feel that they have been billed in error.
Watershed Protection and Restoration Fee Credit ProgramEligible property owners in Anne Arundel County have the opportunity to reduce their Watershed Protection and Restoration Fee (WPRF) assessments by up to 50% for proactive and sustainable uses of stormwater runoff controls. The
Watershed Protection Education & OutreachEducation and outreach are critical to preserving and improving the water quality in Anne Arundel County
Watershed Restoration Grant ProgramThe Anne Arundel County Watershed Restoration Grant Program will fund projects to reduce pollutants through the implementation of watershed restoration practices.
Website FeedbackProvides comments and feedback regarding the county website (
Wedding in the ParkThe Department of Recreation and Parks offer a wide range of facilities either indoor or outdoor.
Weeded LotArticle 13, Title 6, of the Anne Arundel County Code states that a homeowner, occupant, or person in control of real property may not allow or maintain on their property a growth of weeds or grass that is 12 inches or higher.
Wildlife ServicesFind out more about wildlife services & carcass removal in Anne Arundel County, Maryland.
Wildlife ServicesLearn about carcass removal and other wildlife services.
Your BudgetLearn about the budget process, what projects and programs receive county funding, and how you can provide input.
Youth & Victim Engagement ServicesThe Anne Arundel County Police Department offers information and referral services to individuals seeking assistance due to the various needs resulting from a crime committed against them.
Youth Recreation ProgramsJust for kids recreation programs provide opportunities for the public to participate in diverse recreational programs and activities designed to meet the needs of the community.
Zoning AdministrationThe Zoning Administration Section of the Office of Planning and Zoning oversees the regulation and interpretation of the Anne Arundel County Zoning Ordinance and processes related applications.
Zoning Classifications GuideA Zoning Code is a collection of regulations established to promote compatible patterns of land use within the County.
Zoning EnforcementThe Zoning Enforcement Section of the Office of Planning and Zoning is charged with enforcing the zoning ordinance.